2. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of the definition of “eligible wages” of a person for a year, in respect of an employment and in relation to an establishment, set out in the first paragraph of section 43 of the Act, a prescribed amount paid to the person during the year is an amount, other than an amount referred to in the second paragraph, paid to the person in respect of that employment and that would be included in the total amount of earnings that the person has from all insurable employment within the meaning of section 2 of the Insurable Earnings and Collection of Premiums Regulations (SOR/97-33), made under section 108 of the Employment Insurance Act (S.C., 1996, chapter 23), if insurable earnings from that employment were determined for the year in respect of the person for the purposes of that Act.
The amount to which the first paragraph refers means fees paid on an hourly, half-day or full-day basis to the person in the year,(1) as a member appointed by the Government to a commission, including an inquiry commission, an assessment committee, a committee or panel of experts or a working group constituted for a specified time; or
(2) as a member of a candidate selection or review committee created for that purpose under a law of Québec.
O.C. 1249-2005, s. 2; O.C. 66-2016, s. 1.